Can't Fight The Frizz
Food, Fun, & Frizz
A look into Frizz Fest
Every Summer, there is a global phenomenon that occurs to only a select group of people: FRIZZ !
By definition, frizz is a state of being formed into a mass of tight curls or tufts. The ones most affected, predominantly preferred to as ‘naturals’, go through extreme measures to maintain and/or control the frizz. Often, Mother Nature takes the reigns and leaves the everyday naturalista with two choices: embrace it or hide it. If life has taught you anything, it’s to follow your first mind and embrace what God gifts.
In July 2018, I had the absolute honor of attending the second annual event called Frizz Fest in Tower Grove Park, St. Louis, MO. What I experienced was other-worldly; there were people from all over selling food and unique hand-crafted items such as clothing and jewelry along with performances from local artists and even giveaways.
“The mission of Frizz Fest is to encourage self-love and inspire confidence among women…also very much about supporting other women, local businesses and artists, and cheering each other on.” -Creator of Frizz Fest, Leslie
Leslie, pictured in purple, along with her supporters at 2018 Frizz Fest
Fast forward one year later, we are just days away from yet another epic vibe. Frizz Fest will take place July 20th from 12-6 in Tower Grove Park. Boasting more food trucks and vendors than last year’s fest, you don’t want to miss it. We recently had the opportunity to chat with the Leslie about her natural hair journey and more.
How long have you been natural? What do you love the most about rocking your natural hair?
I’ve been natural since 2011. I love that its authentically me, it’s literally a part of me, what naturally grows from my body.
What advice would you give a young girl that wants to embark on the natural hair journey, but isn’t as confident?
At the end of the day, you have to love you. It doesn’t matter what other people think of you or what they have to say. So if you want to rock your natural hair, do it…either people will fall in line or get out the way.
I also wanted to know what kind of hair products this queen uses on her crown. Normally, women are hesitant to share their beauty secrets but she dished out that she uses olive oil, Kinky-Curly Knot Today Leave-In, and Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie Coupled with her loud colors and prints, Leslie’s style is legendary to which she credits her mom for having such a loving and genuine spirit.
The ultimate goal of Frizz Fest is to keep expanding all the while maintaining that same feel good energy. All an attendee needs to bring is the liveliness and let the fest take care of the rest.
For those who can’t attend, but want to support, follow @frizzfest on Instagram, tell a friend or favorite cousin, or email for sponsorships big or small.