Mental Health Advocate Tamika Harden Talks Discovering Self-Love, Being Mindful and More
In life, learning how to expect the unexpected; and incorporating healthy coping mechanisms for grief, stress, and depression is essential to your mental health.
For Tamika Harden, fitness was the ultimate outlet that led her to happiness. Before the pandemic, Harden ran a viable gym, where she trained 200+ women a month.
She now aims to make a difference by speaking out and using her voice to advocate for those struggling with mental health. We recently spoke with her about overcoming suicidal thoughts, the importance of being mindful, and more.
Check out the full interview below:
What does self-care look like for you outside of your fitness routine?
First is rest. It might be a good 10-30 minute power nap if I don’t have time to sleep. It’s never easy to take a rest or even take a holiday time off for entrepreneurs. But when you're caring for your body, you'll think and feel better too.
Talk to friends - support
Eat better. Your food choices have a direct impact on your productivity. And, don’t forget about water.
Go outside or travel
What advice would you give someone looking to practice mindfulness amidst a mental struggle? What are the 3-5 things they can do daily to create a better outcome?
First, you should value yourself, have “me time”.
My fitness journey is a big help with my recovery. It might help people who struggle too. Taking up simple exercise can help to reduce the risk of developing mental illness.
Talk to your family or friends, surround yourself with good people.
Set realistic goals. Decide what you want to achieve and write down the steps that you need to realize your goals
Seek professional help when you need it.
As someone who struggled with suicidal ideations, how did you overcome that and begin to advocate to create a better life for yourself?
During my childhood I hated being overweight. The negative comments and remarks from others fueled my determination to do something about it. At the age of 16 years old, I used the money earned from my part-time Job to invest into a gym membership. After losing 40 lbs. I fell in love with fitness. This was the first true testament of my power, my ability to change things that I didn't like. I used negative emotions to fuel my desire for change. My success is why I chose to become a personal trainer. I want to empower people to take control of not only their health, but to take control of their lives.
What was life like for you growing up? What types of adversities did you face?
Growing up in South Jamaica, Queens, I am no stronger to the harsh realities of inner city violence and drug abuse. My humble beginnings motivated me to strive for excellence even at a young age. My own battles with childhood obesity and overcoming it have set the stage for my own platform of inspiring and helping others to transform and uplift their lives - mind and body. Utilizing my personal tests and triumphs. Body By Tamika was born.
What makes you RARE?
My level of resilience. I have been fighting my entire life being raised in the urban ghettos of South Jamaica, Queens. And being the first generation of college graduates. Starting my own business with no resources - those are the things that make me rare. My level of resilience and ability to fight no matter how hard things are. And I use my strength to empower others.
How did the pandemic affect you and your business?
Testing positive for Covid-19 was an eye-opening experience, an experience I am grateful to be able to talk about. Too many people have lost their lives to this deadly virus and I am thankful to have survived.
Surviving the pandemic has been the most challenging time I have experienced. Trying to get clients to resume personal training was challenging. I felt like I was restarting my business all over again - which is frustrating and I felt like giving up. But I keep reminding myself that faith and fear cannot coexist. And I chose faith.
What’s next for you?
I really look forward to owning more than one fitness and body contouring business and expanding virtually.