Girl, Go Green



Due to the recent, ever-evolving epidemic, you may want to skip St. Patrick’s Day this year. And that’s not such a bad thing because do we even know who St. Patrick was? Some bishop from a long times ago days blah blah blah. But, we’ll buy the green shirt to wear to work and make it an excuse to go for drinks later.

Fact is, girl, you need to go green! Skipping social events has proven to be a life saver in so many ways. Obvious reasons such as money saving, outfit wasting, and dry conversation are enough to keep most of us in the house. But for the ones who need convincing, please take notes.

via teaching @pinetree: cartoon

via teaching @pinetree: cartoon

“I Believe It Goes Up and It Goes Down.”
This is how ya’ll president responded to a HuffPost reporter in 2016 when asked if he believed in global warming. Despite all research and technology America has invested into science, he chooses to refute all the warning signs Mother Nature has been throwing our way? Don’t be like this guy. You literally must had been living under a rock to not see the effects that our laziness as a society has had on our dear Earth. So, you ask yourself, what you can do, and will it make an impact?


No one is asking you to pick up trash or pay the garbageman extra to pick up your recyclables. Going green can be as simple as finally getting that hair cut you’ve been avoiding for 2 years because you value quantity over quality and must use outrageous amounts of hair products to try to get them dead ends to act right. Girl let it go like Elsa; your hair and wallet will thank you. The water bill will start to decrease due to less water used on hair washing. Less time and resources used plus a more manageable style is all a girl can ask for.



What’s comes after hair? It’s the skin you’re in. A good green go-to when it comes to skin is to use natural products that satisfy hair and skin needs simultaneously such as coconut, grapeseed, and olive oils. The gag is these products are all in the food section so you can use EBT to purchase, just an FYI. While you’re at it, pick up a few avocados, bananas, and papayas to create custom face masks.  Then, head down the personal hygiene aisle and pick up a few of those empty travel-size spray bottles to control the amount of product used/wasted.



Next is nails. Knowing what you know about acrylic and the damages done to your nail bed, you still muster up that $60 every two weeks and spend 1-2 hours sitting in a chair too big for your body and looking at beads of sweat trickle down the nail technicians forehead. Fact is, if you’re rich enough to afford the long nails every two weeks then do you boo boo. But for the rest of us who do anything for clout, it has come time to cut it out. No need to keep convincing yourself that you can do everything with long nails; we all know it’s a slight inconvenience when you have to use your knuckle to unbuckle the seat belt. A simple manicure goes such a long way. Save the fakes for big dates!



To conclude, I know America is in a toilet paper and hand sanitizer frenzy right now, but these items do not excuse the absolute need for a daily bath/shower. Sis, stop skipping the sink thinking you can sanitize the germs away. Water washes worries!


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